Sunday, March 13, 2011

Flip Camera

having a math class makes it a little harder to use a flip camera but it can be done. you can show your math problems by using for example cars or blocks. you can also draw pictures and make a movie ot of them to show how to solve your math problems.

PLN Hard Copy and Forum Unit 7

It was brought to attention at the International Consumer Electronics Show in January 2011 that computer companies are coming out with big new things to help students and teacher better their learnings. so far netbooks and smart cell phones have been the biggest things, and now, for example the first Smartbook, "the SKYLIGHT," is out there to be smaller, easier to carry around, faster. Bot only that but things like the netbook are being upgraded by alot of other computer companies,

Bill and Melinda gates give a whopping $1.5 million to to help not only students now, but also teachers. They believe that to be a good educator you cannot just sit there and lecture all day for the students to learn, you need to be active and make it seem more interesting, so that is why from sunday to thursday from 1 p.m. to 10p.m. there will be online teacher coaching live on the internet to help each teacher succeed in teaching their students.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

web 2.0 tools

I would personally have my students use , because it is a fun free website. Students can access it and play fun games that will help them progress in learning the tools and different areas for their lesson.

Also, i would recommend that my students use It is a good website for kids of all ages, but to me goes more to the younger age groups, but its fun and productive.

My Survey

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Teacher's HandyMan

Well, i have found that a notebook-gradebook and a online gradebook come in handy as a teacher. if the internet is down it is always good to have your grades wrote down for backup and its extremely convenient to have your grades done online so it works faster and is more sufficient. Also, i like the smartboard for teachers. In my highschool we used them and it made the learning time cut in half. instead of the teacher writing every little thing down, you can have it pulled up on the internet and you can erase things and write more. I just think its better overall for teaching.

Dear Technology, you teach me so much.

 Again, Technology just doesn't want to stop! it's on a one way street to take over the word. the possibility of singularity is inclosing upon us. But as for right now, school devices such as netbooks, tablet computers, and eBook reader devices are making it easier and more sufficient to get school work done quicker. 

Oh UCLA, where you get these ideas amazes me. Apparently, it is okay to use them during your nursing job. It can help you remember the body parts whenever you need to WHILE listening to some of your favorite jams. sounds great huh! I would like to know where my ipod is for being a teacher. how will i ever remember all of those children's names!?! but honestly i do think that the ipod touch is going to be a big help in educating students. i think it could be a great studying tool, however i don't think that they need to be used all the time on the job. we pay money to learn them while in school. it is okay to just make sure your correct but if you are going to be a nurse or doctor operating from the directions of your ipod that could be dangerous!

If Chapters 1&&2 were shorter this would of been easier.

1. Wow! well I for sure ten years ago would have never thought that the technology we have these days would be here. I believe it has gone above and beyond already. what more should we expect? a important thing from these chapters is that they, in fact, are informing us that what we are getting used to is only going to get more and more complex. We would think that it should of gotten easier, but with the population growing, so is the web. But with the web growing, i think that it is a way for we the people to enhance our creativity, artistry, play, and social status. we can expand our minds and learn so much from what the web has to offer. "The united states recognizes the need to improve technology."(Page 12) This improvement is going to be helped with the world wide web!

2. Well isn't this a funny thing, New corporations are growing as well. Shopping online is the new mall of America! You can get just about anything online. You can even get a job online! its insane."For all its appeal to the young and the wired, Web 2.0 may end up having its greatest impact on businesses. And that could usher in more changes in corporations, already in the throes of such tech-driven transformations as globalization and outsourcing." (page 16) There is no telling right now where technology will take businesses in the next twenty years.